Mandy's Musings

Saturday, May 26, 2007

One year on ...

Well this is my 99th post, and just 1 year and 1 day after my most controversial entry.

Do you remember 'Can somebody please remind me ...'

With 130 comments, it is by far my most popular post in terms of comments and interest that it sparked.

I've found it more difficult to post regularly of late - lots of half formed ideas and general busy-ness are part of the reason. I also feel like I don't have anything very profound to add, and there are already a lot of half-baked ideas out there!

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Saturday, May 19, 2007

Tomorrow's Half-Marathon

Tomorrow morning from 7.30am I'll make my way around this course, twice! It's my fourth ever half-marathon and I'm hoping to crack the 2 hour barrier for the first time. Training has been going well and I'm injury free, so things are looking good.

It's a great course - I've been running it regularly during training, and the weather looks good. I'll let you know how I do!

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Wednesday, May 16, 2007

What's the difference between spagetti and waffles?

An interesting anecdote I heard this week to help us to understand the differences between men and women ...

What's the difference between spagetti and waffles?

Well, a woman's brain is like spagetti. Long strands that look like a tangled mess, but every bit is connected to the rest.

A man's brain is like waffles. Everything neatly compartmentalised, each box completely independent of the other.

Hence, as a generalisation, when men and women have a discussion, the woman will link everything together, while the man will not make the same connections between the numerous ideas.

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Saturday, May 05, 2007

Taste and See

Last night was the women's event at mission a supper entitled 'Taste & See'. Another great night as we chatted, ate, made truffles, listened to live music and heard from God's word that Jesus is the only one who truly satisfies.

As usual for a women's event, we had lots of yummy food for supper:

The Upper Chapter House was completely transformed:

And making truffles was lots of fun:

Some went for the perfectly rolled ball, while others opted for the more 'rustic' look:

And to cap the whole night off, Naomi clearly explained to us from John 6 that it is only in Jesus that we can find the food that will sustain for all eternity. Here she is, mid-flight:

It was a great night!

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Friday, May 04, 2007

Introducing God

Last night was the introductory talk of Introducing God hosted by ECOM. It was a great night as we listened to Dominic Steele and enjoyed a great Italian meal.

It was very encouraging to see one guy who came because he had been handed one of the mission brochures earlier that day!

There was a great atmosphere and the building was completely transformed as we ate by candlelight with lovely music in the background.

Lively discussions were had over tables after the talk and many will be back next week for the first of a 6 week DVD series exploring more of the Christian faith.

There is still room for more people to come - unfortunately a few people who had been invited were not able to make it. So if you'd like to checkout who God is, come along next Thursday night at 6pm and be introduced to the God of the Bible

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