Mandy's Musings

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

The supremacy of Christ

One of the joy's of my week is Tuesday mornings where I meet with Emma to read Colossians from the Greek. It's our attempt to use what we learnt at college and doing it together is an encouragement to make it happen. We've discovered that we are getting quite good at looking things up in the dictionary!

Yesterday we looked at Col 1:15-23 a great passage that tells of the supremacy of Christ and his sufficiency for our salvation. It was great to be reminded that all things were created by him, through him and for him (v16). And why did the firstborn over all creation take on human flesh? To reconcile to himself all things, whether on earth or in heaven, making peace by the blood of his cross (v19).

I was really struck by the movement in verses 21-23. The key words in this section are: 'once', 'but now' and 'if'

Once you were dead
But now you have been made alive in Christ
If you continue to hold on to the hope that you have

A great reminder that Jesus has indeed rescued me from a helpless state and won forgiveness for me on the cross, so that the only appropriate response is to continue to hold on to him in all that I do.

Maybe this Greek caper is not so bad after all ...

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