Mandy's Musings

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Limited posting ... I'm on holidays

I head off to Qld on Thursday to see my Mum & Dad and spend Christmas with them, before moving, CMS Summer School and a week to finish unpacking before work starts.

I'll have limited access to a computer during this time, so won't be posting much.

I'll be back in the new year.

Friday, December 01, 2006

Next year begins to take shape ...

I've met many of the leadership team of The Bible Talks at a weekend away last weekend and am excited about the opportunity to serve along with them next year.

I've signed a lease on an apartment in the CBD so I know where I'll be living.

A few more pieces fall into place. Being challenged to continue to trust in God's good provision, knowing that he will place opportunities to serve him before me.

Looking forward to some down-time first catching up with friends and family.